Steve and Suzanne Germes re-enact Uncle Sam and Rosie the Riveter as Salina celebrates the 2018 Labor  holiday by remembering why we have an 8 hour week, minimum wage laws, unemployment compensation and many more employee standards now widely enjoyed and recognized by almost everyone. It wasn't always that way in the past.

Labor Day 2019 is turning out to be another great worker appreciation. Plan to attend. Monday, September 2 at Ad Astra. doors open at 5 pm. Music by Alex Cosco and a great renactment of  Salina's Mother Bickerbyke. there will be polotical presentations, refreshments and good company.

2017 Labor Day this year included a Mother Jones Re-enactment featuring professional actor Betsey Means from Chicago.

Learn more about WomanLore and Betsey's work here: